A Special Needs Trust, also known as a Supplemental Needs Trust, allows property such as gifts, lawsuit settlements, or other funds, to be held for your disabled child without making your loved one ineligible for public benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid (MediCal), CalFresh and other means tested benefits. The Special Needs Trust allows you to properly transfer savings to your child without placing his or her ability to receive government benefits at risk. Special Needs Trusts are designed to pay for items or services that are not covered by public funds like education, recreation, counseling, furniture, professional fees, computer equipment, transportation, and medical attention beyond the simple necessities of life. Through this trust, friends and family can also make gifts of money to contribute to the financial well-being of your loved one. If the trust is sufficiently funded, your loved one can receive spending money to use for quality-of-life enhancing expenses. Setting aside funds in a properly written Special Needs Trust will enable your loved one to have funds to supplement, but not supplant public benefits. Even if you or your family have superior assets. a Special Needs Trust can protect the assets necessary for your disabled child’s future from potential creditors.